Planning a Wedding Starts With One Simple Question…

October 15, 2021

“How do you want guests to remember and describe the day in years to come?” “It’s a simple question, but it can really set the stage for planning” says Hansen.

Hansen, whose firm has planned and implemented many of South Florida’s most creative and intimate events, asks many of his clients that question at the outset of planning meetings. “We’re not necessarily trying to find out about reactions to the menu, the color of dresses or the centerpieces at that point,” he said. “The important thing is to ask the bride and groom what emotional reaction guests will have.” These reactions span the ceremony to the actual reception. Hansen is looking for such words as intimate, personal, joyful, and others which convey so many things about an event.

“For example, if they want an intimate affair, they’re probably looking at a smaller guest list as opposed to hundreds,” said Hansen. “Likewise, an intimate event would require a unique venue as opposed to a larger, less personal country club or hotel venue.” That’s why Hansen has become the “go to” firm for those seeking unique, one-of-a-kind venues in South Florida. With more than 100 venues from Palm Beach County to Key West, Hansen and his staff of planners can translate a bride’s adjectives into recommending the perfect location. “The location sets the stage for the ‘feeling’ of the event and should really be the first decision in the wedding planning process,” said Hansen. “Most brides have a mental image of what they want their wedding to be. That image results in an emotion.”

As the process continues, Hansen and his planners are looking for more specific descriptions such as romantic, casual, and formal, to name a few. “For example, casual events could be on the beach,” he said. “More formal venues could include a mansion on South Beach. If fun is the over-riding theme, we can recommend a retro warehouse or even a museum. The key thing to remember is that the choice of venue sets the tone for the event and what people will remember.” Over the years, that has become Hansen’s specialty – providing unique venues that provide memorable experiences. “We build on the choice of venue with the finest foods, service personal, as well as meticulous and detailed service,” he added.